The gospel wagons are available to congregations who give to the NorthCoast Baptist Association on a regular basis and are used for block parties, outreach events, VBS, etc. You must reserve the trailer through Brooke [see contact info in footer] at least 10 days prior to your outreach / event.
See current reservations on the Calendar.
The trailers are FREE for each usage, and includes the following:
2 Tables
Cotton Candy Machine
Popcorn Machine
SnoCone Machine
A Tent with Poles
A Sound System [not always reliable]
You are responsible for:
Making a reservation through Brooke at ncbaoffice@gmail.com and copying Steve at northcoastdom@gmail.com.
The pickup and return of the trailer to its original location within the time Brooke gives as it may be needed immediately by someone else. [Hitch is 2 in. ball]
The purchase of supplies through GFS [in Elyria and in Sandusky]
Popcorn, cotton candy, sno-cone juice, and ice.
The proper use, cleaning, and storing of all equipment used.
Refer to videos to the right.
Any damage to equipment must be reported immediately to ensure next group has access to working equipment.